A bunch of friends and I have started a new organization and website:

Gatherings of Remembrance-New York

For now we are a gathering of only females, trying to rekindle the tradition of singing qasa’id (poems) that have been passed down from generation to generation from our beloved scholars in the past: Imam Al Haddad, Imam Al Busiri, Imam Zain ul Abideen, and more. This tradition is drastically needed in a time when much of popular music has directed our souls to lust, status, and fame. We need to remind our souls that all yearning and love from the heart should be directed to the Divine.

On another note my teacher at M.E.C.C.A. Center has started a new website:
I have written one article thus far, which the webmaster decided to divide into two parts:

Imam Amin’s website is also initiating a revival of Tasawwuf in a region where many stereotypes regarding this science are still strong. May God place sincerity and barakah into these efforts, Ameen.