Posts with category - Inspired Poetry


This teardrop that falls down my cheek.
Originated from an image.
That filled my vision.
Which sped fast to my heart.
Which went to my mind for a check-up.

Alas! It failed my intellect!
My heart longs for what my mind avoids!
This inner tug-of-war has resulted.
In a heart that aches, a mind that thinks.
And tears that fall.

Then a wise man on the road,
His glasses shimmering in the heat of thought
Said to me with concern on his brow
The burning you feel in your heart…
Target it to God!  To God!
Whatever beauty you see in temporal forms, is within God…
And He is reachable to all!
Ache for what you can have!  Aim for Eternal Meaning!

My heart, dumbfounded and amazed,
Slowly gave in to the wise man.
Yes! She cried, to the mind and to God.

Though the heart promised to change.
The struggle persists.
“It may be that this temporal form
Is a path to God.”

Time is running out, uncertainty prevails.
But in the end, If I lose out on the form.
I can never lose out on finding Him,
Unless death takes me by surprise.

God is my companion
Whether I gain the form or not.
I will never be alone.
The heart smiles.  The mind meditates.

If you are unfortunate enough to have come across this post, I apologize for the weirdness. This is what happens during finals week. :)

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Sisterly Bond

I wrote this poem during the senior year of high school and wrote it in the yearbook of one of my friends. When I became a freshman at SBU, I changed the words around and directed it towards any general Muslim sister. My high school friend actually wasn’t Muslim, but she had one of the best–and still does–characters I have ever met.  May God grant us all beautiful characters, ameen.  Every morning in 12th grade when I walked into class, she would be smiling ear to ear just to see me.  I’ll never forget it. OK, end of nostalgia.

She saw me come and she smiled
And gave me hearty welcome,
An honest move, I’m not beguiled
This girl is surely something

She never once showed anger
She always kept it tucked inside
When I entered bitterly to her
My heart softened by her side

She’d listen to my hardships,
And with one wave of her hand
They fell between my fingertips
And vanished like the sand

And every day, the same warmth she has
Refuses to run out
Her friendliness never wears
And she never once did shout

So listen well my Muslim sister
Show warmth and self-control
Make sure true beauty doesn’t whither
And make this need no patrol

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Precious Pain

This pain that lurches from the unknown future and past.
Is a leash that binds me to my Lord.
A pain of mercy; lessons learned that will last.
That beautifies the mind and grants me a sword.

A weapon of inner charisma and newfound strength.
I can tackle the future with a secret trust.
Humanity is flawed, a heart of short length.
But the mercy of my Lord is expanse and full-thrust.

This trust beckons a  new start with my Lord.
Yes, I confide in You now, only You!
I will battle the evil forces with the sword.
And at night, to You, I’ll expose all that is true!

Run away from You to humans I shall not.
Humans don’t help, they worsen, in fact.
In open arms I’ll call…sing out to You all that I sought!
I’ll fall asleep under Your gaze, satisfied with Your love-pack.